Friday, September 16, 2016

Bread and Butter HF routine

My philosophy on strength training has changed over the last several months. In the past 5s and 3s were the essentials in my toolkit... However, now 2-5 reps have become obsolete.
This is due to IMO the risk/reward you receive while working in this rep range.
Don't get me wrong 5x5 definitely works, but i would rather put more focus on my goals rather than tip toe across the line...
Sings along with the broad range of 6-30 reps are whats now prominent.
One may ask whats the difference between 5 and 6 reps? Honestly not much really at first glance, thing is I'm shooting for 10 reps and may fail on 6 for my last set... That is the difference.
For now I'll talk about my original bread and butter routine. Took it from some high frequency posts on a forum, and later on saw it in Wendler's pdf... so likely was a copy pasta

Squat 3x
Bench 3x
Dead 1x

Day 1
Squat 3x 90%
Day 2
Bench 3x 90%
Day 3
Squat 5x 85% some omit squats on this day
Dead lift 3x 90%
Day 4
Bench 5x 85%
Day 5
Squat Single 95%
Day 5
Bench Single 95%

Then of course the usual "that's it?" Of course not, the routine is a template around which supporting work can be added. If the base routine stalls its typically due to people adding in too much fluff work.
Basic back-off work usually consisted of either 5x5 @ 75% (bottom end of strength range) or 5x10 @ 60% (bottom end of hypertrophy range)
The percentages are just an arbitrary number, Some may find it best to auto regulate the program.. which i would recommend to more "seasoned" lifters
Another key is to keep your CNS fresh... if you need to psyche yourself up to do a rep, that means you're going too heavy!! Save the stims and heavy metal for when you're maxing, which you really shouldn't be doing too often as is, and if you can you should be doing a different routine noob.

I'll get to what I'm now doing in a later post, for those interested

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