Monday, October 3, 2016

Becoming more introspective.

I think everyone that gets into weight lifting eventually wants to “lift heavy” or be the “strongest” one among their friends or let alone the gym.  However, one thing always ends up happening, either the person lifts heavy with good form or lifts heavy with the worst form ever. You also have the person who is smart enough to take their time with progressing their lifts in order to get their form in check.

During my last bulk I remember always getting upset if I didn’t progress on a lift just because I wanted to lift heavy and most of my friends were lifting heavy weight but I wasn’t. I didn’t think of telling my self that heavy is different for every individual. That it varies and that progress with weight lifting doesn’t always mean increasing weight but could also mean increasing volume by other means. My depth suffered and so did my mindset so I stopped squatting for a few months and funny enough when I came back with the right mindset my lifts progressed and so did my mentality. How? I took my ego out and focused on myself only in the gym and not on what others saw or how much others were lifting. 

Yes, in order for a person to progress one should eventually progress with weight but what is the point of you aren’t working the muscle correctly? You may be able to squat a certain weight but is that weight going to get you anywhere if you aren’t applying it correctly?
Accessory work may take some more time to go up more than your main lifts, don’t be that person that swings their whole body doing lateral raises incorrectly but instead take a weight you’re able to apply that mind muscle connection with. Leave your ego at the door because at the end of your gym session the only one benefiting is yourself and not other people at the gym.

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